
Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Most Politically Incorrect Game

In my prayers each day I hope that my baby boy will be strong, healthy, smart, and well rounded.  We read at least a half-dozen books each night, he plays basketball with daddy, cooks with mama, and makes polite babbley conversation with friends over dinner.  He plays with stuffed bears, dogs, and even a Cabbage Patch doll.  He has a construction set, a kitchen set, pretend cell phones and occasionally naked art time (more on that another day.)  I hope he grows to believe he can be nearly anything he wants to be.

I say nearly because this idea of well-rounded play has been challenged lately.  First by daddy, and then I confess, by mama. 
This is a Nerf Gun.  A six-barreled Nerf gun.  It makes a terrible loud sound when the suction cups stick to the filing cabinet in our basement.  They are fast, they are foam, and they are a heck of a lot of fun!  This is not a toddler's typical game.  Unless they live in our house. 

I was horrified at first. Immediately going to thoughts of a child psychologist or future Kindergarten teacher, I was terrified of what we someday might have to explain.  That we, his loving, doting, do-everything-we-can-right parents condoned this sort of activity.  And then I tried it.  There is just something about shooting a Nerf Gun at the end of a working mama's day that lets go of a lot of stress.  And my sweet baby laughs hysterically, runs after the darts, and gives me a smile that says, "lets do it again!" 

I can feel the judgement radiating across the web from mothers who make their own organic baby food, read books in French, and use cloth diapers.  I know, I would judge me too.  It's a terribly politically incorrect game that pretty much sums up my parenting style.  Hyper-conservative, ultra careful best intentions, but bottom line, if it works, we roll with it.

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